Financial management
More than the legally compliant reporting of figuresEverything in view – at local and global level
Transparent processes, identifying risks at an early stage and actively helping to implement strategic goals, growth and profitability – these are the tasks of financial management. SKR offers you experts with the appropriate competence in all these areas.

Financial planning
Financial planning is at the heart of corporate management in almost every business situation. Competent financial planning and realistic, as well as resilient, business plans can make all the difference, both in the growth and consolidation phases as well as in the steady state. Reliable, high-quality figures and analyses that are tailored to the target group and focused on the essentials enable good strategic decisions to be taken and discussions to take place with stakeholders on an equal footing.

Financial infrastructure
A financial infrastructure geared to the needs of the company is often an important basis for good financial management. Once the figures are in place, the relevant analyses can be made and the right conclusions drawn. Appropriate preparation makes it possible to achieve good results in discussions with equity and outside creditors, employees and trade unions, regulators, M&A partners, etc.
Reliable figures, as well as analyses that is tailored to the target group and focused on the essentials, enable good strategic decisions to be taken and discussions to take place with stakeholders on an equal footing.
Get in touch
Phone +41 41 500 05 31